Take the pain out
of curating community
Intros are tedious
Writing manual introductions takes too much time.
Don't spend energy doing this over and over.
No Transparency
Don't fly blind on your group's impact.
Do you find yourself wondering how meetings went?
Difficulties organizing
Remembering to introduce people is a headache.
Forgetting to follow up with someone feels even worse.
Bring everyone together
Mentoring is the #1 most powerful mechanism for growth.
Use Cases
Impactful Communities
Impactful Communities
Big and Small
Create a powerful micro-network and give people access to those willing to help.
67% of businesses reported an increase in productivity
Due to regular mentoring and coaching practices.
VCs interact with 60% of their portfolio companies at least once a week
28% multiple times a week! Mentorship adds value to portfolios.
55% of businesses claim that mentoring positively impacts profits
Avoid pitfalls and increase efficiency by learning from others.
Intentionally Simple
Paid plans include every feature and no per user fees. Unlimited mentors and meetings.
Trying it out? Start with a free deck once you sign up.
“I never dreamed about success. I worked for it.”—Estée Lauder